Mapping Tools

Mapping > Tools on the left side of the Mapping page comprises five expandable sections for use in creating your field definitions:


Tools > Functions are used to assist in building mapping logic. Available functions include SUM(value):string, NUM(real):string, TRIM_LEFT(string):string, TRIM_RIGHT(string):string, COPY(string, startpos [int], count [int]):string and more.

To insert a function, highlight a field in the schema, and then click the   button next to the selected function. To save the updated schema, click  Save on the grid control bar.

See the Functions Reference for the complete list of functions (including parameters and usage examples).


Tools > Addresses are used to determine which Transaction Manager and Project fields are used during the import and export process to retrieve data from the Address table in Transaction Manager. Address codes and the corresponding addresses are entered into the Address table in Transaction Manager. They can either be store codes or distribution center (DC) codes. The address code is converted to your actual address by your trading partner’s EDI system. 

Addresses are accessed in Transaction Manager by selecting the Trading Partners view, expanding the appropriate trading partner and clicking Translations > Address List in the action bar.

How Addresses are used during export from Transaction Manager

Tools > Addresses are set up for when you need to pull data from the Address table in Transaction Manager during the export process. The fields beginning with ‘Ship to’ will export values based on the store number on the transaction, and those beginning with ‘DistributionCenter’ will export distribution center addresses.

The trading partner only sends the ship to code on the Purchase Order, but the entire ship to address is needed in order to be exported to the Project. If shipping to stores, the Store Code needs to be populated with the field on the Purchase Order that contains the ship to store #, and the type needs to be set to Store. If shipping to distribution centers, the DC Code needs to be populated with the field on the Purchase Order that contains the ship to DC # and the type need to be set to DC.

How Addresses are used during import into Transaction Manager

The Project is able to provide an identifier per ship to location, but not the actual ship to code that is required by the trading partner. If shipping to stores, the Project Code needs to be populated with the position of the unique identifier on the imported file. If shipping to DCs, the Project Code needs to be populated with the position of the unique identifier on the imported file.


Expand the Tools > AccountInfo list to view individual account info fields, such as those for Account ID, GL Account, Accounts Receivable/Payable, Pack Count, Order Index and others.


 Expand the Tools > Terms list to view terms fields.

Following is an example of the terms description of 2% 10 NET 30 being parsed out into individual term fields during the import process into Transaction Manager.

Transaction Manager Field

Mapping Tool Terms Parser Value

Import Results



2% 10, Net 30


[D:Discount Percent]


Net Due Date

[D:Due Date]

4/24/2010 (The current date plus 30 days)

Net Days Due

[D:Days Due]


Discount Due Date

[D:Discount Days Due]


Discount Due Date

[D:Discount Due Date]

4/4/2010 (The current date plus 10 days)

When listed in Token Mapping, Terms fields will start with a D (i.e. “[D: Discount Days]”, etc.).

Transaction Manager Fields

Project Fields

Terms.Discount Amount

[D:Discount Amount]

Terms.Discount %

[D:Discount Percent]

Terms.Discount Date

[D:Discount Due Date]

Terms:Discount Days Due

[D:Discount Days Due]


Expand your Tools > Lookups list to view all the lookup tables that are available for this partner map. All Lookups have different functions. Default Lookups (such as BillToAddress, BillToAddress2, and others) are hard-coded, while conversion Lookups are user-defined conversions. 

See Lookup Tables for for complete details on how to add or edit user-defined lookup tables.

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