Lookup Tables

Lookups in Mapping Manager align with your lookup tables and lookup templates in Transaction Manager. These are custom translation tables that can be built based on any transaction criteria and used in both importing and exporting based on a one-to-one relationship with Transaction Manager. (They can only translate based on a one-to-one relationship). Lookup templates are static fields that will always be translated to a specified value. New Lookup Tables can be added at any time.



For Lookups, it is not one-size-fits-all with trading partners within Transaction Manager. Different trading partners will have different setups for their business systems.

To add or edit lookups using Mapping Manager, select a map from the Partner Maps grid, click Options  on the grid control bar, and then select Lookups from the drop down. This launches the Lookups page, which provides a split workspace for adding or modifying your map's lookup tables.

From here you can choose which tokens and tools to apply from the left side panel to use when adding or modifying your map's lookup tables defined on the right.

Lookup Detail

The grid on the right side of the Lookups workspace is where your lookups are created and modified in Mapping Manager. Use the Lookup Detail panel at the bottom of the grid to edit a selected lookup table. Click   New on the grid control bar if you want to create a new lookup table as described in Adding a Lookup below.

1   Options > Rollback

Selecting Rollback from the Options  drop down on the action bar reverts any changes made to the Lookup Table back to its previous settings.

2   Name

Field for naming the Lookup Table. The Lookup Table Name designation here is how it will be displayed in Transaction Manager. Note that the default checkbox represents a static value that is always used for a single lookup.

3   Export Column

Field containing the right column of the Lookup Table in Transaction Manager. This value will pass to the Project when used to export transactions. Conversely, this value will be passed from your Project when used to import transactions. Export matches to the Project value.

4   Import Column

Field containing the left column of the Lookup Table in Transaction Manager. This is the value from the trading partner transaction found in Transaction Manager that is used to export transactions. Conversely, this value will be assigned in the trading partners transaction found in Transaction Manager when used to import transactions. Import is the Transaction Manager value.

5   Partner or Company

Field setting the Lookup Table at the partner or company level. When set to company, the Lookup Table can be used across all trading partners. Company level Lookup Tables are located at the Business System | Company | Lookups tab in Transaction Manager. Partner level Lookup Tables are located within each Trading Partner in Transaction Manager.

6   Translation Parameter

Field representing the value used for translation during the import or export process with Transaction Manager. For a Lookup Table being used during the export process, the translation parameter will be a Transaction Manager field. For a Lookup Table being used during the import process, the translation parameter will be a Project field.

7   Note

Comment about the specific table being added, if desired.

Adding a Lookup

To add a new lookup table to your map, perform the following:

  1. Click   New  on the Lookups grid control bar to add a new blank record

    The Lookup Detail panel is used for editing the new lookup table.

  2. Enter a unique Name for the lookup table.

  3. Select the Default checkbox if the lookup table will be used to assign the same value all the time. When selecting a default, complete only one column. That is, assign only the Export Column if the default lookup is to be used during export; if it is to be used during import, assign only the Import Column.

  4. Enter names for the Export Column and/or Import Column. Note that same lookup table can be used for both import and output mapping, the difference being defined by the contents of the Translation Parameter.   

  5. Select Partner or Company from the drop-down. The Trading Partner option indicates the lookup table is specific to the currently selected partner map. The Company option indicates the table can be used for all trading partner maps.

  6. If needed, enter a brief description of the lookup table in the Note field.

  7. Click on the Translation Parameter field and choose one of the following:

    For import mapping …

    For export mapping …

    Click the  control to select a trading partner field (for an Invoice or Purchase Order, for example) or you can manually drag those items directly into the Translation Parameter text box.

    Click the  control to select the specific field from the Tokens tab or you can manually drag those items directly into the Translation Parameter text box.

  8. Click  Save on the grid control bar to commit your changes.

  9. Click  Deploy on the Mapping Manager Action Bar to deploy to Transaction Manager.




If you receive the message that mapping values are in use by another user, please consult that user before proceeding with deployment. See Multi-User Access for more information.


Once deployed, you will be able to assign the new lookup to a field definition via Tools > Lookups in the Mapping editor.  

To make changes to an existing lookup, select a record to access its Lookup Details at the bottom of the grid. Click  Save to confirm your changes.

To delete a selected lookup, click   Delete on the control bar. When the record/row is highlighted in red, click  Save to confirm your changes.




The   Delete control will only be available for lookups that have been created by the user.


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