The Partner Maps grid on the Maps page lists all the trading partner maps created for the project you selected for editing in Mapping Manager. Each record/row on the grid identifies the Partner, Source, Destination, and Category type (Import/Export) for the transaction documents (Invoice, Purchase Order, Standard ASN, and others) to be mapped between your project and Transaction Manager.
If your project includes several trading partner maps, you can filter the list via the Partner Name and/or Map Name fields above the grid. Apply standard grid controls, such as the vertical ellipsis if you need to hide, sort and/or rearrange the grid configuration, as described under Working with Grids in the Platform User Guide.
Transaction types include all integrated transactions available within your project and Transaction Manager. Each are organized based on their import/export definitions for Transaction Manager and define the documents that will be transformed in the import/export process; for example, the Sales Order definition for your project, or a CSV format for importing into Transaction Manager.
From this grid, you can view and/or modify a selected map by clicking Edit on the control bar. For example, selecting a Target Purchase Order record for editing from the Maps > Partner Maps grid would immediately launch the Mapping - Target - Purchase Order page. See Mapping for more information.
The Maps > Partner Maps grid has the following controls and options for working with selected map records.
Edit |
Launch the Mapping page to edit the map selected. |
Rules |
Access Line Item Conversions for the map selected. See Rules. |
Save |
Save changes. |
Reset |
Undo your most recent changes. |
Delete |
Remove the selected map from your project. You must click Save to permanently remove the selected map. |
Drop down menu options:
Lookups |
Open the Lookups page to add or make changes to lookup tables associated with a selected partner map. For details, see Lookups. |
NOTE The same action bar controls are available for both Projects and Maps pages in Mapping Manager. |
What can I do?
Edit a partner map
Create and assign lookup tables in partner maps
Create and modify rules
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