Transaction Archive and Recovery

Transaction Manager retains transactions in the active database (Inbox, Received, Sent, Outbox) for six months from the creation date. As long as those transactions are inside the active database, you can access and make use of them like any other transaction in the application.

Once a transaction reaches the six month marker, it is moved automatically to our archived transaction database. You will be able to restore transactions from the archive anytime within two years. This process is described below.

Once a transaction has been archived for more than two years, it requires special assistance by your TrueCommerce team to retrieve them from our backup site. This service is billable based on the number of transactions and the age range to be restored.

Restoring Archived Transactions

Transaction Manager allows you to search and recover archived transactions that are less than two years old. The Restore Archives grid uses the same search criteria as the Transactions view for this purpose. 



All transactions you restore with this feature will be moved back to the archive as of 3:00AM EST the following day; therefore, recommend you make use of them shortly after they are recovered.

To restore transactions that have been archived:

  1. Select Transaction Manager > Administration > Restore Archives  on the Foundry   Menu to launch the Restore Archives grid.

  2. If necessary, click the  control on the Restore Archives action bar to search for the transactions to be recovered. Refer to the Transactions Search Panel for more information.

  3. Select the transaction(s) to be restored from the archive grid. Data selection methods are outlined in the Platform User GuideNote that you can double-click to view transaction details.

  4. Click the  Restore Archives control on the action bar.

  5. Click Yes on the Restore Transactions pop-up window to complete the restore process.

    The selected transactions are removed from the archive and restores to Transaction Manager. Actual transactions are placed in the appropriate Inbox, Received, Outbox, or Sent folders

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