Search Panel Overview

To handle large quantities of data, certain applications may be equipped with a collapsible search panel that allows you to control which data you want retrieved on the page.

This feature (like filtering) is an effective way to find something quick, reduce the number of records displayed, and organize your data into logical groupings and workflow.

Once your rules and value settings are in place, you have the option to save your searches for later use.



1. Search Panel Button

Use to expand and collapse the search panel (if search functionality is available in the current page).

2. Saved Search Sets

Use the drop-down to select from your list of saved search sets. For more information, see Using a Search Set.

3. Search Options

Search button. Use to start the search based on the criteria entered. For more information, see Applying a Search.

New Search button. Use to clear all search settings. For more information, see Clearing a Search.

Save button. Use to name the current search criteria as a saved search set. For more information, see Saving a Search Set.

Delete button. Use to delete the search set that is currently in use. For more information, see Deleting a Search Set.

4. Tab

Click to expand available search entry boxes (if data fields/columns on the page are grouped into multiple sections).

5. Search Entry Box

Use to enter a value for the search based on the associated data field/column and on the rule selected.  


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