Options Menu

The Options   dropdown menu on the Transactions action bar contains controls to move transactions to a new folders, create a sub-folder, mark transactions as read/unread, export, delete transactions, and set your preferred grid configuration.

Available dropdown controls will depend on the Folder and the transactions selected:


Moves selected transactions to Deleted Items.

  Move to Received   

Move selected transactions from Inbox to Received

  Move to Inbox   

Moves selected transactions from Received to Inbox.

  Move to .. 

Moves selected transactions to a user-created sub-folder.

  Move to Sent

Move selected transactions from Outbox to Sent.

  Copy to Outbox   

Move selected transactions from Sent to Outbox.

 Mark Read   

Marks selected transactions as read (not bold).

 Mark Unread   

Marks selected transactions as unread (bold).

 Fulfillment Status

Fulfillment options for selected transactions: Mark Fulfilled / Mark Unfulfilled.


Upgrade options for selected transactions: Standard Upgrade (single transaction) / Asynchronous Upgrade (multiple transactions)

 New Folder   

Creates a new sub-folder.

 Rename Folder   

Renames selected sub-folder.

  Delete Folder  

Deletes selected sub-folder.

  Export to Excel   

Exports and downloads selected transactions to an Excel file.


Options to    Save Configuration /    Reset Configuration for changing/restoring the order of columns in the Inbox, Received, Outbox, or Sent transaction grids. 




To return to the complete menu, click Menu at the top of the dropdown.


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